Mental health

The Academy has held undertaken a number of activities to support research and policy to help address the huge unmet health need of mental health.

Status: Ongoing

Mental and neurological disorders are responsible for 13% of the global burden of disease, and unipolar depressive disorder is projected to become the second leading cause of health burden by 2030. 

The Academy of Medical Sciences is committed to tackling this important issue. Below are some examples of our work that specifically address mental health. Many other projects also consider mental health along with other health conditions such as our policy reports on Improving the health of the public by 2040 (2016) and Multimorbidity: a priority for global health research (2018).

Wherever possible, we work with a wide range of people, including those with experience of mental health issues to develop our work, such as in our project on the research priorities around the effects of COVID-19 on mental health and the brain (2020) and our response to the Government’s call for evidence to inform their 10-year mental health and wellbeing plan (2022). 

We also host the Mental Health Research Goals, which were collectively developed by funders of mental health research, academics and clinicians, and people living with mental health problems. 

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