Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee provides an overview of the processes by which members of the Academy’s key governance committees are identified.

The Nominations Committee is appointed annually by Council for a one year term. The Nominations Committee is responsible for:

  • Oversight of the nomination, interview and recommendation to Council of candidates for Honorary Officer roles.
  • Advising Council on the strength of candidates presented.
  • Ensuring continuity and an orderly process for the rotation of Honorary Officers.
  • Oversight of the annual Council election, including communicating to Fellows particular skills and experience being sought in new Council members.
  • Reviewing the composition of Council (including skills, knowledge , experience and diversity) and to advise on the selection and appointment of co-opted members of Council as considered necessary to balance its composition and address gaps.
  • Receiving suggestions and considering individuals nominated for Honorary Fellowship of the Academy and making recommendations to Officers and Council.
  • Helping identify candidates for all roles to address issues of balance, equality, diversity and inclusion as befitting of a modern, progressive Academy.

Full details regarding the responsibilities and remit of the Nominations Committee are set out in Section 21 of the Academy Regulations (available to download on the side of this page). 

Nominations Committee membership 2024


Professor David Adams FMedSci 
Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Birmingham and Academy Registrar

Professor Wiebke Arlt FMedSci
Director, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London

Professor David Burn FMedSci
Pro Vice Chancellor and Professor of Movement Disorders Neurology, Newcastle University

Professor Andrew Morris CBE FRSE PMedSci
Professor of Medicine and Vice Principal of Data Science, University of Edinburgh and Director, Health Data Research UK (HDR UK)

Professor James Naismith FRS FRSE FMedSci (Chair)
Academy Vice President (Non-Clinical); Professor of Structural Biology and Director, Rosalind Franklin Institute, University of Oxford

Professor Philippa Saunders FRSE FMedSci
Professor of Reproductive Steroids, University of Edinburgh

Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu FMedSci
Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanoscience, University College London

Dr Pauline Williams CBE FMedSci
Consultant in Translational Medicine and Global Health R&D

Professor Paula Williamson FMedSci
Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Liverpool


Professor Charlotte Summers
Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of Cambridge and former ERL member of Council


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