Election timetable 2023-2024

Please add the following dates to your diary for the election process 2023-2024.

July 2023 Election open for new and updated nominations made via eLect.

22 September 2023 Deadline for nominations.

October - December 2023 First round scoring by Sectional Committee members; Sectional Committee Chairs meet to shortlist candidates for peer review (November 2022).

January - February 2024 Peer review of the shortlist by Fellows and external experts.  At least three referees’ reports required.

March 2024 Individual Sectional Committees meet to score final list of candidates for election.

April 2024 Formal election of new Fellows at Council meeting.

May 2024 Fellowship Committee meet to review election year.

For more information, please contact Russell Crandon, Fellowship Manager, [email protected].

Key contacts

Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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