The Academy is governed by a Council of Fellows who serve as trustees & give strategic advice, including six Honorary Officers.
The Academy is run for Fellows, by Fellows. Supported by a staff team, Fellows take on roles across the Academy, steering and shaping work. Fellows from all areas and experiences are encouraged to apply for governance roles. You do not need to have previous involvement with the Academy and there are no minimum Fellowship requirements – Fellows elected in any year can stand for any role.
The Honorary Officer roles are President, Registrar, Treasurer, and three Vice-Presidents (Clinical, Non-clinical, and International). Council may also co-opt additional Fellows to provide balance or expert advice. Council meets five times a year and one third of the Council rotates each year with new members appointed at the AGM in November. Financial affairs are overseen by the Finance Committee, chaired by the Treasurer.
If you are considering getting involved with Academy governance, you are welcome to informally contact our Executive Director Simon Denegri [email protected] in confidence, who is happy to talk through what is involved and potential future opportunities.
Find out more about our Governance roles:
- Read our blog: 5 things Fellows can do to support diversity in decision making
- Read about why being part of the Academy Council inspired Professor Philippa Saunders FMedSci, former Academy Registar
- Find governance positions advertised through our Fellowship News pages
“Science is wonderful, but it’s not perfect. Most of us have experienced frustrations, in relation to our own research endeavours, the inequities experienced by our patients, or the difficulties in translating insights into policy. If you’d like to help address these challenges, I urge you to consider standing for election to the Academy's governance roles, no matter when you became a Fellow, or your career stage.” Professor Neena Modi FMedSci, Professor of Neonatal Medicine & current Academy Council member