Cross-Sector Experience Awards

These awards provide up to £100,000 to support individuals who want to work in a different sector between three to twelve months.

Key dates

Applications for round one are now closed.

We anticipate opening applications for round two of the scheme in November 2024.


As part of the Academy’s Cross-Sector Programme, the Cross-Sector Experience Awards will support individuals to experience different sectors. The award offers up to £100,000 of flexible funding to work in a new organisation for up to one year. This should be in a sector different to their current role or roles. We welcome applications from those across disciplines and sectors. Applicants’ current work should have a clear link to the improvement of human health.

In 2019, the Academy commissioned independent scoping work to assess what could be done to help people connect across sectors. Five key challenges were identified:

  • A lack of incentives
  • Difficulties in connecting with the right people/organisations
  • Little recognition of mobility in career progression appraisals
  • Cultural gaps between organisations
  • Lack of resource to support engagement and backfill mobile researchers, particularly from the NHS and small businesses.

To address these challenges, we first launched the Cross-Sector Programme in 2022. The programme is designed to bring together innovators and researchers from different fields to promote health innovation. It also offers support to overcome the challenges to collaborating across sectors.

In November 2023, we are launching a new funding scheme, the Cross-Sector Experience Awards. In addition to providing the incentives and resources required to work in another sector, this scheme will support individuals to:

  • Gain new skills and share skills between different sectors.
  • Generate novel ideas and collaborations that could lead to new innovations.

Recent Awardees

Professor Ian Copple, of the University of Liverpool [Academia], partnering with AstraZeneca [Industry]

Dr John Counsell, of University College London [Academia], partnering with Deep Science Ventures [Industry]

Dr Dana Damian, of the University of Sheffield [Academia], partnering with Sheffield Children's Hospital [NHS]

Dr Maria Garraffa, of the University of East Anglia [Academia], partnering with the Refugee Crisis Foundation [Charity and not for profit]

Dr Pradeep Harish, of the University of Liverpool [Academia], partnering with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, Government Department of Health and Social Care [Government]

Dr Judith Lunn, of Lancaster Medical School [Academia], partnering with Lancashire County Council [Government]

Dr Bahijja Raimi-Abraham, of King's College London [Academia], partnering with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, Nigeria [Government]

Mr Dylan Elijah Ramage, of the University of Cambridge [Academia], partnering with Amphista Therapeutics [Industry]

Dr Murali Shyamsundar, of the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust [NHS], partnering with VISFO [Industry]

Dr Natasha Sigala, of the University of Sussex [Academia], partnering with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust [NHS]

Dr Rebecca Walker-Smith, of the University of Cambridge [Academia], partnering with Cyted Ltd [Industry]

Dr Nada Yousif, of the University of Hertfordshire [Academia], partnering with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust [NHS]


This scheme is generously supported by the Department for Science, Innovation & Technology, NIHR and Wellcome.  

Key contacts

New Fellows' Admissions Day 2024

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Mentoring Catalysis Workshop 2024

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Cross-Sector Programme Event: Cancer - Digital and Data

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