Support researchers

Strategic priority #3

We will support the next generation of researchers to reach their full potential by: 

  • Proactively broadening the range of people and disciplines engaged in biomedical and health research and supporting and recognising their talents in different ways
  • Providing innovative career funding and support that builds the capacity of teams and individuals 
  • Ensuring biomedical and health research has a clear, effective and attractive career pathway 

By 2032 we will have: 

  • Evolved our Fellowship to be diverse, relevant and energetic in meeting the needs of the biomedical and health profession and the society it represents
  • Expanded our grant schemes and programmes so that more researchers of all backgrounds can benefit from them 
  • Furthered our ground-breaking work on team science to promote a supportive research culture that recognises the contributions of everyone involved
  • Given the voice of emerging research leaders greater influence within the Academy

Go back to our full strategy.

Read our next strategic priority.

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