Sectional Committees

Sectional Committees assess candidates nominated to the Fellowship and make recommendations for election.

A list of previous Sectional Committee Chairs can be found below. We have have produced a briefing note on unconscious bias for committees electing new Fellows as part of our ongoing work on equality and diversity.


Sectional Committee 1

Physics, chemistry, biochemistry, structural biology, mathematical sciences including statistics, informatics, imaging and engineering applied to biomedicine

  • Professor Elaine Holmes (Chair)
  • Professor Imre Berger
  • Dr Chun-wa Chung
  • Professor Heather Cordell
  • Professor Ian Gilbert
  • Professor David Jones
  • Professor Sebastien Ourselin
  • Dr David Rees
  • Dr Nitzan Rosenfeld

Sectional Committee 2

Cellular and developmental biology, microbiology and immunology, genetics

  • Professor Muzlifah Haniffa (Chair)
  • Professor Julie Ahringer
  • Professor Graham Anderson
  • Professor Doreen Cantrell
  • Professor Peter Cullen
  • Professor Petra Hajkova
  • Professor Mary Herbert
  • Professor Sally Lowell
  • Professor Rick Maizels
  • Professor Robin May
  • Professor Patricia Munroe
  • Professor Shiranee Sriskandan
  • Professor Joris Veltman


Sectional Committee 3

Neuroscience (including neurology and neurosurgery), physiology, pharmacological sciences

  • Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu (Chair)
  • Professor Maria Belvisi
  • Professor David Burn
  • Professor Siddarthan Chandran
  • Professor Olga Ciccarelli
  • Professor Peter Hutchinson
  • Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg
  • Professor Rajesh Kalaria
  • Professor Rob Lucas
  • Professor Tony Marson
  • Professor Gillian Mead
  • Professor Irene Miguel-Aliaga


Sectional Committee 4

Medical and veterinary specialties and paediatrics

  • Professor Neena Modi (Chair)
  • Professor Chris Brightling
  • Professor Helen Firth
  • Professor Sophie Hambleton
  • Professor Neil Henderson
  • Professor Joy Lawn
  • Professor Derek Mann
  • Professor Daniel McAuley
  • Professor Hugh Montgomery
  • Professor Susan Ozanne
  • Professor Gavin Perkins
  • Professor Andrew Pollard
  • Professor Joanne Webster


Sectional Committee 5

Surgery, anaesthesia, oncology, clinical pathologies, radiology, oral health, ophthalmology, reproductive health

  • Professor Catherine Williamson (Chair)
  • Professor Jane Blazeby
  • Professor Ashley Blom
  • Professor Lyn Chitty
  • Professor Jan Clarkson
  • Professor Steven Clifford
  • Professor Charlotte Coles
  • Professor Richard Eastell
  • Professor Marian Knight
  • Professor Robert MacLaren
  • Professor Paul Moss
  • Professor John Radford


Sectional Committee 6

Psychiatry, psychology and mental health, behavioural science, genomics,  epidemiology, clinical trials, population health sciences and global health

  • Professor Paula Williamson (Chair)
  • Professor Ibrahim Abubakar
  • Professor Tamsin Ford
  • Professor Simon Gilbody
  • Professor Jonathan Green
  • Professor Andrew McIntosh
  • Professor Caroline Sabin
  • Professor Ulrike Schmidt
  • Professor Cathie Sudlow
  • Professor Cornelia van Duijn
  • Professor Sarah Walker
  • Professor Helen Weiss


Sectional Committee 7 

Primary care, health services research, health informatics, health improvement, social sciences, humanities, law, policy, communication or leadership as applied to health or biomedical science

  • Professor Gary Ford (Chair)
  • Professor Linda Bauld
  • Professor Liz Corbett
  • Professor Yvonne Doyle
  • Professor Christopher Griffiths
  • Dr Roger Highfield
  • Professor Catherine Law
  • Professor Richard Lilford
  • Professor Jonathan Mant
  • Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery
  • Professor Guy Poppy
  • Professor Dame Anne Marie Rafferty


Sectional Committee 8

Individuals primarily based in the commercial sector who may be scientists, clinicians or investors working in industries such as pharmaceuticals, devices, diagnostics and digital technologies

  • Dr Pauline Williams (Chair)
  • Mr Steve Bates
  • Professor Andrew Hopkins
  • Dr Jane Osbourn
  • Dr Jina Swartz



















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