
The Academy is a champion for those working in biomedical and health research in the UK. Our innovative range of programmes and career development work supports biomedical and health researchers and encourages people to embark on a career in medical research. 

We are proactively broadening the range of people and disciplines engaged in biomedical and health research and supporting and recognising their talents in different ways.

Our activities include:

  • Mentoring - a UK-wide programme for postdoctoral researchers.
  • INSPIRE - a programme to encourage medical, dental and veterinary students to consider a research career.
  • SUSTAIN - helping women researchers thrive in their independent research careers.
  • FLIER - a new programme for Future Leaders in Innovation, Enterprise and Research.
  • Cross-Sector - connecting innovators, researchers, health professionals, and policymakers working accross the life sciences sectors.
  • Career development events - a series of regional events designed to bolster the skills, networks and aspirations of biomedical and health researchers.

Our mentoring and career development activities are complemented by our grant schemes, which support those on the clinical training pathway and those working in biomedical and health research.

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Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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