Election process


  • An annual election is overseen by the Registrar, Professor David Adams FMedSci, supported by the Fellowship Manager, Russell Crandon.
  • Only Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences may nominate a candidate for Fellowship. Candidates must be supported by three Fellows: a Principal, second and third nominator. Candidates nominated for the first time are automatically eligible for election for 5 consecutive years.
  • After the fifth (unsuccessful) election, the candidate will lapse for a period of 2 years before they can be re-nominated.
  • Eight Sectional Committees scrutinise candidates and make recommendations to Council for election. Committee members each serve for three years. 
  • The number of Fellows to be elected each year should not exceed 60. Of this number, up to 53 may be assigned to the Sectional Committees and up to seven may be reserved as ‘floating’ candidates that can be used to elect additional Fellows in any of the sections or to build capacity in new areas.

See the Election timetable 2023-2024.

Eligibility for candidates for election as Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences is usually restricted to citizens of the United Kingdom. This includes foreign nationals who are UK residents. In exceptional circumstances, candidates for Fellowship who are foreign nationals and resident overseas will be considered; such candidates must have strong and enduring links with the UK medical science community, making a personal and ongoing contribution to contemporary British science.

The Academy of Medical Sciences is committed to encouraging diversity and equality of opportunity in its organisation, practices and work. This applies to every sphere of Academy activity, including the Fellowship election. Within the rules of eligibility for nomination to Fellowship, the Academy will strive to ensure that no individual or group is treated more or less favourably than others on grounds of ethnicity, nationality, age, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, race, colour, religion or belief.

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