Build resources

Strategic priority #5

We will build our resources to ensure our long-term independence and effectiveness by: 

  • Diversifying our income to protect our independence and agility
  • Becoming a truly UK-wide Academy with collaborators and partners in the devolved nations and all UK regions
  • Attracting and investing in the best people to be part of our team

By 2032 we will have: 

  • Diversified our funding and developed new opportunities for income generation. 
  • Invested in our London base to derive the greatest value for our Fellows and beneficiaries while looking for opportunities to expand regionally 
  • Continued to put health and wellbeing at the heart of our organisational values and culture  
  • Put in place a climate crisis plan by 2024 for becoming net zero including clear targets covering our operations, reporting publicly on progress in our annual report  
  • Expanded our commitment to public involvement in our decisions and activities  

Go back to our full strategy.


Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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