Celebrating the Academy’s achievements in 2022

As the Academy looks to its 25th anniversary next year, there is much for us to celebrate. Our work over the years – and most recently during the pandemic – has demonstrated what medical science can achieve, especially when it works hand-in-hand with patients, communities and the public.

In 2022 we have achieved the following:


Launched a new strategy

This year, we published our new 10-year strategy, after an extensive consultation period. Our vision is good health for all supported by the best research and evidence.


Advised government on key issues

We have called on the Chancellor to place medical and health research at the heart of economic plans, and for the new Prime Minister to commit to ensuring the UK remains a world leader in research, development and innovation. We actively support the UK associating with Horizon Europe and continue to work with the Government to ensure the health research sector is supported to deliver good health for everyone.


Engaged with patients and the public

Our work this year has involved more patients and members of the public than in any other year, including consulting experts by experience for our response to the Government’s mental health plan. We continue to support researchers to become trusted communicators in their communities and with patients, the public and policy makers; this year, we media trained almost 80 women, including Fellows and researchers from our networks across a range of career stages.


Fostered a trusted, open, diverse and inclusive research community

Highlights of our work in this area include celebrating Black women in science and our workshop to understand and overcome the barriers faced by academics with a disability. We also welcomed double the number of women than last year onto our SUSTAIN programme, which supports women researchers to secure leadership positions.


Connected across the UK and worldwide

We are bringing together researchers, health professionals and policymakers across the life sciences sectors to solve the major issues facing health, with our new Cross-Sector Programme. We have worked across the UK, delivering in-person events in all four devolved nations, holding our first Council meeting outside of London and the first Clinical Academics in Training Conference since the start of the pandemic, held in Bristol.

Our International Health Lecture, presented by Professor Victor Dzau, President of the US National Academy of Medicine, attracted 100 in-person attendees and 900 people registered from multiple countries to watch online. Together with the Academy of Science of South Africa, we held a workshop on advancing multisectoral and life-course approaches in mental health research in sub-Saharan Africa. Our global partnerships place us in a strong position for our work to tackle the climate change emergency.


Learnt from the pandemic

The Academy has also continued to update its guidance on the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are reviewing the lessons learnt and scientific gains that have been made.

We continue to place expert and patient voices front and centre as we help to address urgent health challenges including mental health, climate change, health inequalities and global health security.


Your support today can change the health of our society 

Being able to respond rapidly to the changing research landscape, support the next generation of researchers and continue to build an open, progressive, and diverse medical research community is crucial to ensuring the health of our society. But we need flexible funds to enable us to do this, as we work towards achieving the Academy’s ambitious new 10-year strategy.

With your support, we can future-proof biomedical research for everyone. 

Tuesday 29 November is Giving Tuesday, a global movement to celebrate generosity and inspire one another. Donate today as we embark on our strategy for the next decade, to realise our vision of good health for all supported by the best research and evidence. 

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Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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