Supporting patient involvement in Starter Grants applications

Public and patient involvement (PPI) funding up to £2,500 is available to directly remunerate PPI contributors who work on grant applications for Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers.

£500 per PPI contributor (up to a maximum of five contributors) per grant application is available, to be used for paying patient and public contributors’ time (at a rate of £25.00 per hour – matching current NIHR guidance) and any out-of-pocket expenses they incur (such as travel and subsistence). This funding also covers any external costs incurred in running the sessions and more information on what this fund covers is available from Charlie Vickers.

This pilot funding is to enable a wider diversity of public and patient contributors to take part in the development of grant applications for Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers, while providing valuable opportunities to forge new connections and develop new skills.

Applicants must be eligible to apply for Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers.


How it works

The funding is available across multiple rounds and will allow those eligible and planning to apply for a Starter Grant in Round 32 and 33 to develop their application with patients and the public.

If the application meets the Academy’s definition of engagement and has

  • Recognisable and clear methods
  • Clarity on who the PPI contributors are
  • Accurate costing of PPI work
  • Considered accessibility requirements

the Academy’s engagement team will approve the application. Funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. 

It is up to the grant applicant to decide how best to use the money, within the bounds of PPI activities and depending on the needs of their application. PPI activities can take many forms – whether that’s working closely with a single contributor to develop your application or hosting a focus group or workshop to discuss your plans.

Including PPI is not currently mandatory for applying to the Starter Grant for Clinical Lecturers, and it will not affect the assessment of your application if you do not work with PPI contributors to develop your grant application.


How to apply

To start the application process, please email your expression of interest to Charlie Vickers who will send an application form and further information, and can answer any questions about the fund you may have.

The Academy’s Grants Team will continue to manage the Starter Grants assessment cycle as before, whilst the Engagement Team will review only the applications for PPI funding. The two processes are carried out independently.



As this is a pilot project, we will be evaluating the impact of the availability of the PPI application development fund.

The Academy’s Engagement Team will keep in contact with applicants and the PPI contributors they work with, to determine the success of the pilot scheme and whether working with PPI contributors has positively affected their application. This will help us decide whether to continue offering this funding in future and how we could shape it to better serve applicants’ and PPI contributors’ needs.

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