All Party Parliamentary Group on Medical Research

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Medical Research provides MPs and peers with up to date information on developments in medical research

Status: Ongoing

The Academy is a supporting member of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Medical Research (APPG MR).

Through events and briefing documents, the APPG MR provides MPs and peers with up-to-date information on developments in medical research, including aspects of public health, ethics of research and the implications of research findings for society. The group is chaired by Chris Green MP.

Along with the Association of Medical Research Charities, British Heart FoundationCancer Research UKthe Medical Research Counciland Versus Arthritis, the Academy funds this group and provides the staffing for events.

Participation in APPG MR is part of our strategic objective to influencing research and policy and, more specifically, our commitment to engage and inform Parliamentarians.

Key contacts

Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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