Strengthening academic psychiatry

In January 2012 the Academy formed a working group to develop a position paper on the training of academic psychiatrists in the UK.

Status: CompletedCompleted

Mental ill health accounts for some 15% of the disease burden in developed countries, yet spending on mental health research makes up just 5% of the total UK health research budget and psychiatry has been identified as a vulnerable clinical discipline.

In January 2012 the Academy formed a working group to develop a position paper on the training of academic psychiatrists in the UK.

The final report was launched in March 2013. It identifies the challenges and barriers in recruiting and retaining trainees, and makes recommendations to strengthen academic psychiatry to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental ill health.

In June 2013 the Academy held a meeting with several stakeholder organisations as a first step to facilitate the implementation of the report's recommendations. A report of this meeting is available to download on this page. The Academy will review progress on the implementation of the report in late 2014.  

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