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Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers: Research outputs and impact

The Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers scheme provides vital support for research-active clinicians in human, dental and veterinary medicine.

As we look ahead to the end of the year, when we will be celebrating 10 years of the Starter Grants scheme, we are taking this chance to reflect on the successes of our Starter Grant award holders.

Since the scheme started in 2008, the Academy has awarded 387 Clinical Lecturers grants totalling over £10.9 million.  This funding has helped our awardees to achieve thousands of outputs, and most recently over a 12-month period in 2016 and 2017, our awardees have highlighted the following outstanding achievements:

  • Published 334 new journal articles
  • Secured 12 new Clinician Scientist Fellowships;
  • Obtained £24.9 million in new follow-on funding, and
  • Attained 112 awards, prizes and other markers of esteem

Obtaining a Starter Grant at this crucial time in their career can be pivotal to securing the next grant and to progress in clinical academia.

Dr Laura Coates, from University of Leeds, reveals how the award has supported her career: “The starter grant helped me to obtain funding for new work in my Clinical Lectureship following my PhD and helped to establish collaborations with other centres. It also encouraged me to reflect on my career plan through the application process and boosted my CV.” Since completing her Starter Grant in 2016, Dr Coates has received a NIHR Clinician Scientist award.

The scheme enables Clinical Lecturers to secure preliminary data, establish a research portfolio and obtain experience in preparing grant application, crucial steps in developing and establishing their academic career. The scheme also provides wider support through the Academy’s highly acclaimed mentoring and career development programmes.

“We are delighted that the data in the report published today demonstrates the continued success of the scheme in achieving its aims”, said Professor Wiebke Arlt FMedSci, the Chair of the Starter Grant Selection Panel. “We would like to congratulate our awardees on their achievements and we look forward to celebrating more of their successes during the scheme’s 10-year anniversary festive events later this year.”

To find out more about how Starter Grants could impact your career, hear more from Dr Noémi Roy, a Starter Grants award holder from the University of Oxford, who explains how the grant opened lots of doors and gave her the chance to develop and expand her own research.

The information provided in this news story was taken from a report on the Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers: Research Outputs and Impact 2017, and was put together using data captured via Researchfish.

The Academy is delighted to have convened a consortium of funders for the scheme. The Starter Grants scheme is currently being supported by: the Wellcome Trust, the British Heart Foundation, Diabetes UK, Arthritis Research UK and the Medical Research Council.

For more information about the Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers scheme, including eligibility and how to apply, visit our grants pages.

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