#15 Putting the public’s voice into science policy

To celebrate the Academy’s 20th birthday, we have put together a snapshot of 20 of our biggest impacts. To finout more about our 20th celebrations and our future plans, read this blog by our President Professor Sir Robert Lechler, and follow #AMS20 on social media.

The Academy would like to thank all our funders, partners and collaborators, without whom none of this work would be possible.


#15 Putting the public’s voice into science policy

“The Academy has shown itself to be increasingly committed to engaging and involving the public in what is happening in health research - from bench to bedside. They have shown themselves willing to innovate and step outside the scientific bubble, to understand what the public needs from science now and in the future. These valuable insights gained have to been integral to shaping policy recommendations and the future direction of health research. The Academy's partnership with patients, carers and the public will be vital to their future work and its impact.”

Simon Denegri, National Director for Patients, Carers and the Public at the National Institute for Health Research

The Academy is uniquely placed to give the public a voice to influence science policy and future research directions, and to foster a wider understanding of the hopes and concerns of the general public. We have developed high quality models to capture the views of the public, which we have used to incorporate public views across nearly all of our recent major policy projects.

Our reports into ‘Brain science, addiction and drugs’, ‘Animals containing human material’, ‘Health of the Public 2040’, ‘How we can best judge the benefits and harms of medicines?’ and ‘New principles for patient data use’ all had high quality public dialogue at their core, resulting in recommendations which reflected public and patient views. We believe public engagement is essential for robust policy making, and helps to give scientists a view from beyond their own community.


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Meet the President - Cambridge

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