Professorship scheme to tackle AMR now open

The Academy is delighted to open the second round of the Hamied Foundation UK-India Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Visiting Professorship scheme

In recent years, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been recognised as a serious global threat, and one of the most critical health challenges of our time.  Each year, at least 700,000 people die worldwide due to drug resistant infections in diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS.

If no action is taken, it has been predicted that by 2050 the number of deaths related to AMR will increase to 10 million people a year. This will make even routine minor surgeries and other medical practices, including chemotherapy, a serious risk. Therefore, AMR has been deemed a research priority which must be tackled internationally.

Applications for the visiting professorship scheme will be assessed on the basis of their potential to strengthen UK-India research collaborations in AMR, increase awareness, and contribute to the development of robust interventions. This scheme hopes to bring together researchers from across scientific disciplines, including agricultural, social and veterinary sciences, to further understand the development and spread of AMR.

This professorship scheme, generously supported by the Yusuf and Farida Hamied Foundation, supports the travel and subsistence costs of UK researchers wishing to visit India to build long-term research collaborations. During the five year programme, up to 25 visiting professorships will be awarded and will bring together investigators at the forefront of AMR research.

Earlier this year, the inaugural call of this scheme awarded four researchers from diverse backgrounds, and involving four Indian institutions.

In addition to the professorships, the programme will support two major international scientific meetings on AMR, one in the UK in 2019 and one in India in 2021.

Detailed information on the scheme, including the eligibility criteria, funding available, and deadline for the receipt of applications, is available in our grants section .

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