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Our five most read blogs of 2018

Our most read blogs give a sense of the breadth of Academy work over the last year – perfect reading to round off 2018…

  1. Why the future needs a new kind of leader [3 minute read]

Our president, Professor Sir Robert Lechler, makes the case that the future will need a new type of leader. The blog set the scene for the launch of FLIER, our ground breaking new leadership scheme. 

  1. Multimorbidity: 9 things you need to know about our new report [6 minute read]

While large numbers of people are living with two or more serious, long-term conditions, our healthcare systems were designed to support people with single diseases. This blog gives the low down on our international policy report that defines the priorities for research to tackle multimorbidity to improve patients’ lives.

  1. MedSciLife top tips [4 minute read]

We brought together the collective wisdom of researchers involved in our MedSciLife project to ask: How can you balance a career in medical research with a life outside science.

  1. Finding the female face of autism [2 minute read]

Academy Fellow Professor Francesca Happé suggests that we are missing or misdiagnosing thousands of girls or women in the UK who have autism. This blog was written after Professor Happé attended our first women expert media showcase at the BBC, and prompted a piece in the Guardian on this issue.

  1. NHS at 70: Research benefits health [6 minute read]

As the NHS celebrated its 70th birthday, Professor Sir Robert Lechler reflected on his hopes for the future and stressed the importance of research in the NHS to benefit patients.

For more information about Academy projects and past impacts, visit our dedicated 20th birthday celebration page. To find out more about supporting the work of the Academy, visit our dedicated support us page.

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