Academy launches new alumni network

We are excited to launch our new alumni network, HIVE

This online network offers a way for Academy of Medical Sciences alumni to connect and access further career development opportunities through the Academy.

Our HIVE alumni programme is open to everyone in our impressive alumni community, including all former Academy grant awardees and career programme participants, both in the UK and around the world, from throughout the past 20 years - explore and join today

Professor Mike Malim FRS FMedSci, Vice-President of the Academy of Medical Sciences, who supported the development of the alumni programme, comments:

“We are proud and delighted to be investing in you, our talented alumni, by offering new ways to meet and learn from each other.

“Today's research environment brings challenges but also offers many exciting opportunities, and we at the Academy are strengthening our commitment to your long-term career by giving you the tools to build strong scientific networks, and the skills to capitalise on them.”

Our new HIVE alumni programme has been co-developed by a team of Academy alumni from across our work. Dr Mehrdad Mizani, Research Fellow in Health Data Science at University College London and part of the design team, comments:

“In a research world that relies more than ever on the power of working across organisational and national boundaries, we hope our new online network can create the open knowledge ecosystem among alumni to help patients of the future.

“Even the biggest breakthrough has to start with a simple conversation – come and join us online today.”

We launch our HIVE alumni programme at 10am this Tuesday 21 September with a free online event: Professor Jonathan Van-Tam MBE FMedSci, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, in conversation with Academy President Professor Dame Anne Johnson PMedSci.

Our HIVE alumni programme launch event includes networking, discussion, and an introduction to the online HIVE alumni portal. Find out more and register to attend here.

HIVE alumni scheme member and co-developer Dr Alexandra Santos, Associate Professor of Paediatric Allergy at King’s College London, has helped to develop and test the online HIVE alumni platform and is one of its early users, connecting with her former cohort of our SUSTAIN women in science programme and beyond. She adds:

"Joining the Academy community for the first time was an enriching and life-changing experience. It is very exciting to continue to be part of this network of brilliant and inspiring clinicians and scientists through the new HIVE alumni programme.”

We are very grateful to all those who have been involved in the co-development of our HIVE alumni network so far, in particular the co-Chairs Dr Charlotte Summers, Reader in Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Cambridge, and Professor Peter Bannister, Healthcare Chair at the Institution of Engineering and Technology - and both also members of the Academy's FLIER leadership programme.

We are actively seeking more Academy alumni to join the design team and shape our HIVE alumni programme’s future activities. If you would like to get involved, please email Helen Denyer at [email protected] 

The Academy is an independent charity. We are extremely grateful to all our donors, including individual Fellows, who provided the unrestricted funds that have allowed us to do the digital transformation required to make this online network possible.
Every year we must raise the funds to support our extensive careers and policy work. Find out more about how to donate here.

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