SUSTAIN case studies



Dr Virginia Newcombe - "My biggest challenge is to juggle all of my different roles... SUSTAIN has helped me to better compartmentalise these roles and work more efficiently."



Dr Clare Howarth - "Being part of a cohort was invaluable, it was a relief to find that other people at a similar career point are experiencing the same issues, fears, worries and, importantly, successes."



Dr Karla Holmboe - "Thanks to SUSTAIN, I have become a more confident communicator - the SUSTAIN programme provides exceptionally good training in communication skills."



Dr Sian Henson - "The Academy's support has made me a more confident and capable leader. I feel massively privileged that the Academy invested in my career."



Dr Sheena Ramsay - "SUSTAIN and the mentorship in particular has made a significant impact on me in terms of helping me take the necessary steps toward establishing myself as an independent researcher."



Professor Jane Clarke, mentor - "We need to ensure that women stay in science, and celebrate diversity in the work place, provide examples of different ways of being successful."



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Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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