Professor Dame Jessica Corner is Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton. She is a world-leading expert on cancer and palliative care and her work has paved the way for nurses to become a more central and pivotal force in the care given to people with cancer. She pioneered the first randomised trials of nurse led care in cancer, now recognized worldwide as landmark studies in advanced practice nursing. She is also the Chair of the Council of Deans for Health, the UK mission group for higher education institutions in preparing health professionals in nursing and allied health, and co-chairs the NHS England Cancer Patient Experience Advisory Group.
Back to directory listingProfessor Dame Jessica Corner FMedSci
Job Title
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange
University of Nottingham
Year elected
SpecialitiesSupportive care needs of people with cancer and at end of life, multimethod research and evaluation of complex interventions
Section committee elected byPrimary care, health services research, health informatics, health improvement, social sciences, humanities, law, policy, communication or leadership as applied to health or biomedical science
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