Academy announces new Registrar to oversee Fellowship

Today Professor Dame Jessica Corner FMedSci takes up the position of Academy Registrar.

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Dame Jessica Corner FMedSci, Professor of Cancer & Supportive Care and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Exchange) at the University of Nottingham, to the position of Academy Registrar today (Thursday 1 July 2021).

The Registrar oversees the entire Academy Fellowship election, sits as one of six Honorary Officers as the Academy’s most important decision-making group, and is central to steering the future direction of the organisation. The position serves as a four-year term.

Dame Jessica is a specialist NHS cancer nurse and researcher in a field where only one in 1000 nurses have research as part of their NHS role. She is one of only six nurses in the Academy Fellowship of over 1200 Fellows, and previously sat on the wider Academy Council between 2018 and 2021.

Dame Jessica comments:

“I am absolutely delighted to be assuming the role of Registrar for the Academy. It has been a privilege to serve on the Academy Council over the last three years and experience at close range the contribution the Academy makes to national agendas and debate.

“In the current global health crisis, the Academy’s vital role as an independent champion of medical science is needed now more than ever. The Academy can contribute an enormous amount if it fully uses all the minds of the Fellowship, as well as continuing to broaden those who participate in the work of the Academy.”

Dame Jessica also paid tribute to Professor Philippa Saunders FMedSci, Academy Registrar 2016-21:

“Philippa has been a formidable organising force for the Academy. She has been so passionate about the Fellowship, and making it a Fellowship for everybody: for all parts of the country, and all disciplines that can make a contribution to the Academy’s voice – on top of being an outstanding scientist herself. I look forward to engaging with colleagues on how we develop the Fellowship to build on her work.”

Academy President, Professor Dame Anne Johnson PMedSci, added:

“I am delighted to congratulate Dame Jessica on her appointment as Registrar. We are privileged to have a scientist and nurse of the calibre of Dame Jessica join our core Officers team at the Academy. Right now is an exciting time for the Academy and a critical time for biomedical and health sciences. I am hugely looking forward to working with Dame Jessica throughout my time as President.”

Dame Jessica was elected to the Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowship in 2015. While on Council she supported the Academy as one of two Council Diversity Champions, and helped guide the Academy’s largest ever public engagement project. She is pictured top at an ‘open space’ meeting on how Fellows can support women in bioscience and below presenting on the Academy's work to encourage conversation about death and dying, The Departure Lounge.

Find out more about the Academy Governance processes and read Dame Jessica’s Fellows Directory profile.

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