Prioritising health in the early years international policy workshop

In February 2024, the UK Academy of Medical Sciences hosted an international policy workshop focussing on child health. The workshop convened over 40 experts from the UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and the US to review the current state of play of child health and inequity in each country, and to identify potential solutions. 

Professor Rosalind Smyth FMedSci, Vice-President (Clinical) at the Academy of Medical Sciences, comments:

The first five years of a child's life are crucial for establishing the foundations for lifelong health and wellbeing. However, in many countries, we are seeing a deterioration in young children's health, with those from more disadvantaged backgrounds experiencing the worst outcomes.

Investing in early childhood development is not only the right thing to do for our children, but it also makes sound economic sense with reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity and stronger economic growth." 

A full report with further detail on the discussions at the workshop will be available in Autumn 2024.

Participants included parent representatives, who provided critical input from the health and social care service-user perspective, as well as researchers and policy professionals.   

The international policy workshop was held following the publication of the report from the UK Academy, ‘Prioritising early childhood to promote the nation’s health, wellbeing and prosperity, which highlighted that the health and wellbeing of young children has deteriorated markedly in the UK and sets out some examples of effective, evidence-based interventions that can be made to improve child and lifelong health. 

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