Submission to the inquiry on EU regulation of the life sciences

The Academy of Medical Sciences responded to a call from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee for evidence to inform its inquiry into EU regulation of the life sciences.

Status: Completed

In February 2016, the Academy submitted evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee to inform its inquiry into the impact of EU regulation and policy on the UK life sciences. The inquiry will look at how EU legislation and regulation can best facilitate, and avoid impeding, collaboration and innovation in the life sciences with particular reference to the UK life sciences sector.

Our submission drew on the expertise of our Fellowship and examined several examples of EU legislation with which the Academy has been actively engaged  during development, including:

- EU General Data Protection Regulation

- EU Regulation on Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use

- EU Directive on Animals Used for Scientific Purposes

- European Citizens Initiatives

The submission also explores the research impact of harmonisation, the placement of pan-EU agencies, and the developing provision of science advice to the EU. For further information on related EU topics, including funding, please refer to our recent submission to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee.

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