Science Advice in Europe

The Academy promotes the value of science advice in the EU

Status: Completed

There are many policy areas in Europe where expert scientific advice is important and valuable. Science can inform policy in Europe, and is also affected by policy - we actively promote the importance of advice in both domains. To do this, we often work with the other medical Academies across Europe, through a network of these organisations: the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM).

The European Commission is reconsidering how to source science advice, after Dame Anne Glover DBE FRSE stepped down as Chief Scientific Adviser to the European Commission President in early 2015. FEAM expressed concern about the importance of retaining science advice in Europe when this role was not renewed. The Commission has now announced a new Science Advisory Mechanism, part of which draws on the expertise of National Academies across Europe. We are supporting FEAM as they explore how they will be involved in this activity.

European policy can affect science is a number of areas, such as:

  • Science funding: for example, we have expressed concern regarding plans to move funding from the EU science budget, Horizon 2020, to the new European Fund for Strategic Investments.
  • Data protection: We have been working since 2012 to ensure that the European Data Protection Regulation enables important health research by balances the safe and secure use of personal data in studies and the rights and interests of individuals.

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