Multiple Long-Term Conditions (Multimorbidity): helpful resources

This platform aims to join-up and share helpful resources relevant to research on the global health challenge of multiple long-term conditions (Multimorbidity) (MLTC). It is intended for anyone interested in contributing to a much needed step-change in the understanding of the trends, clusters, mechanisms and causes, burden, prevention, and management of multiple long-term conditions through research.    

Status: Ongoing

This central platform and resource repository is maintained by the Academy of Medical Sciences, in conjunction with the Medical Research Council (MRC), and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

In wealthy countries, MLTC are the norm not the exception. It is also increasingly a problem in low- and middle-income countries where ‘clusters’ of chronic conditions may more frequently involve long-term infectious diseases. MLTC are a true global health challenge, requiring research across all settings and communities to better understand the problem.

The Academy’s international working group on 'Multimorbidity: a priority for global health research' , developed a definition, standardised reporting system and key research priorities for MLTC. Later, the Academy, MRC, NIHR, and Wellcome hosted a joint workshop in June 2018 on 'Advancing research to tackle multimorbidity: the UK and LMIC perspectives'.

Following this work, the Academy, the MRC, NIHR, and Wellcome have agreed to come together to coordinate a 'multimorbidity funders group'. Working alongside numerous other charities, this group will aim to overcome the structural and cultural barriers facing MLTC research, and support the research needed to better understand the trends, clusters, mechanisms and causes, burden, prevention and management of MLTC.

To realise this ambition, efforts are needed to bring together researchers, clinicians, health professionals across disciplines, patients, healthcare providers and non-government organisations (NGOs).

The multimorbidity funders group has published a 'cross-funder multimorbidity research framework', which aims to help co-ordinate the efforts and initiatives in which the various funders are engaged, and to highlight opportunities for funders to work together. It embraces the multidisciplinary nature of the problem and recognises that working in partnership will help to overcome common barriers.

On 10 September 2021, the MLTC research funders group of 26 different funders, charities and organisations, held it's third cross-funder meeting, convening to share updates on their work and discuss the opportunities for working together to support and fund MLTC research. Read more on the event under the cross funders tab of this page. 

By acting as a platform to share MLTC funding calls, initiatives, and events, we hope that this page can also help to foster such a community, and encourage the cross-disciplinary collaborations that are vital to tackling MLTC. 



Supporting organisations

We are grateful to the following organisations for their commitment to the ‘multimorbidity funders group’:


Marie Curie logo       Richmond Group logo                   


If you would like anything added to this webpage, please contact Laura Schlepper at: [email protected].

Key contacts

New Fellows' Admissions Day 2024

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Mentoring Catalysis Workshop 2024

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Cross-Sector Programme Event: Cancer - Digital and Data

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