Health inequalities

In our 10-year strategy, the Academy has committed to tackling health inequalities by influencing policy and practice and ensuring that the UK’s research community is diverse, collaborative and inclusive.

Status: Ongoing

Health inequalities are differences in health between different population groups. The term can also refer to differences in access to healthcare, or the opportunities people have to lead healthy lives (for example, access to healthy food and living conditions). This includes differences within a country as well as differences between countries.

Health inequalities within a country usually result in those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, or from minority and marginalised groups, having poorer health. For example, men in the richest parts of England live around 9 years longer than those in the poorest areas. No country is unaffected by health inequalities, and concerted efforts are needed to understand and reduce them across the globe.   

In our 10-year strategy, the Academy has committed to tackling health inequalities by influencing policy and practice, and ensuring that the UK’s research community is diverse, collaborative and inclusive. We are also working to broaden the range of people and disciplines engaged in biomedical and health research, including through the Academy’s grant schemes and programmes. Ensuring a diverse and inclusive health research ecosystem will help prevent different communities being excluded from medical research, which would create or worsen health inequalities. Learn more about the Academy’s work on health inequalities in the next tabs.

For more information about our work on global health inequalities, please see our dedicated project page.

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