Discussion with the Health Research Authority

Academy Fellows met with the Health Research Authority to discuss current opportunities and challenges in the regulation and governance of health research.

Status: Completed

On the 15 October 2014 Academy Fellows and guests met at the Academy of Medical Sciences to hear about the Health Research Authority’s (HRA) current work plan and provide feedback on the opportunities and challenges in the regulation and governance of health research.

Professor Jonathan Montgomery (HRA Chair) and Dr Janet Wisely (HRA Chief Executive) summarised recent progress made by the HRA and outlined future directions. The HRA Approval Programme, which will involve only one application, one assessment and one approval for research being carried out in the NHS in England, is due to be rolled out by study type by the end of 2015.

Attendees participated in a lively discussion, chaired by Sir Michael Rawlins FMedSci – chair of the Academy’s regulation and governance of health research working group, which focussed on a number of issues including implementation of the new HRA Approval Programme, data management and how to achieve public trust and understanding.

Dialogue between the Academy of Medical Sciences and the HRA will continue in the future as the Academy undertakes a comprehensive review to assess the impact of its report on health research governance.

The meeting note, presentation slides and supporting documents are now available to download.

Find out more about how the Academy supports the work of the HRA.

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