Academy of Medical Sciences FORUM and MHRA joint roundtable on Regulatory Science

On Wednesday 3 March 2021 the Academy of Medical Sciences and the MHRA hosted a joint virtual roundtable ‘Regulatory Science: Advancing Regulatory Science for Innovative Medical Products’.

Status: Completed

As the UK emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and looks to develop its global reach outside of the EU, there is an opportunity for the UK to position itself as an environment that is open for business by exploring new approaches to regulation. Key to achieving this will be enhancing the links between regulatory science and policy development, as well as public and patient engagement to ensure any regulatory reforms are informed and supported by those that they impact.

This workshop convened a small number of stakeholders from across the regulatory landscape, including academic researchers, innovators, industry, funders and regulators to explore how advances in regulatory science can enable efficient and effective regulation of current and emerging medical products. Specifically, the meeting aimed to:

  • Discuss current regulatory frameworks for innovative medical products and define what is meant by regulatory science.
  • Identify the future priorities for regulatory science in the UK, reflecting on lessons learnt during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Explore the roles of different stakeholders in working with the regulator to achieve these priorities.

The meeting was co-chaired by Dr June Raine CBE, Chief Executive, MHRA and Professor Deborah Ashby OBE FMedSci, Director of the School of Public Health, Imperial College London.

The meeting report is available for download from the side of the page.

The Academy’s FORUM provides a neutral and independent platform for individuals from across academia, industry, the NHS and Government, and the charity, regulatory and wider healthcare sector, to meet and take forward national discussions on scientific opportunities, technology trends and associated strategic choices for healthcare. Find out more.

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