Academy welcomes appointment of first UKRI Chief Executive

Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark announced Sir Mark Walport, the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, as the first Chief Executive Designate of UK Research and Innovation.

After the passage of the Higher Education and research Bill, Sir Mark will assume the leadership of the new strategic body that will bring together the 7 Research Councils and Innovate UK and the newly formed Research England.

 Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences commented on the announcement.

“We congratulate Sir Mark Walport, a founder Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, on his appointment as the first Chief Executive Designate of UKRI.

“Sir Mark has an enviable track record in strategic research leadership. I know that he will work closely with the research community, to capitalise on every opportunity to strengthen UK research and innovation.

“In these times of political change, this role will be instrumental in ensuring that the UK maintains its role as a global leader in research and innovation.

“He will have several key challenges to address in his new role, from the preservation of the dual-funding mechanism of research, to transparency and balance in the allocation of funds between research, innovation and commercialisation.

“I am sure that under his leadership UKRI will get off to a great start and I look forward to working with him.”


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