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UKRI launch: A significant moment of opportunity

UK Research and Innovation brings together the seven Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research England. 

Following the launch of UKRI, Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said:

“The establishment of UK Research and Innovation represents a significant moment of opportunity for the funding of science in the UK.

“UKRI must build on the excellence that already defines the UK’s world-class funding system. The Research Councils do a fantastic job of supporting our outstanding research sector, and nurturing the people who make this possible. UKRI must harness this excellence and allow the Research Councils to retain their independent identities and continue to do what they already do so well.

“The success of UKRI will ultimately be judged on its ability to bring together the existing components and enable them to be greater than the sum of their parts. Under the extremely capable leadership of Sir Mark Walport and its distinguished Board I am confident that this can be achieved.”

A longer version of this quote has appeared in Research Fortnight. To read the full version, please click here.

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