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Our top five online talks for 2020

The total number of video views per month on our YouTube channel has more than doubled this year, which isn’t surprising when life has moved online more than ever before. There are some fantastic talks, old and new, available for free – catch up with five of our most popular in 2020 below...

Learning from crisis: building resilient systems to combat future pandemics

This year’s Academy of Medical Sciences & The Lancet International Health Lecture brought together pandemic experts from Germany, Hong Kong and the UK to review how to build resilient health systems, and what we need to learn from COVID-19 to combat the pandemics of the future.


AMSlive talk on HIV vaccine research

In a year dominated by talk of viruses and vaccines, it’s easy to forget that some infectious diseases have been waiting for a vaccine for decades. Our Fellow Professor Jonathan Weber of Imperial College London has dedicated 40 years of his life to caring for patients with HIV and AIDS, from when the virus was first discovered in 1981 to the present day. His new vaccine trial offers a chance to finally contain this disease for good. Hear the full story in his ten minute talk: ‘My search for an HIV vaccine’.


Vitamin D and acute respiratory distress syndrome 

We have a large back-catalogue of scientific talks on topics across all aspects of medical science, from the gut microbiome to rabies. This year it was an old talk from one of our conferences for early career scientists that caught people’s imaginations, as Birmingham intensive care doctor Dr Dhruv Parekh explained his research into how vitamin D could affect the immune system.


In conversation: Dame Sally Davies and Professor Chris Whitty

At the start of this year, not many people outside the medical research community could have told you who Professor Chris Whitty CB FMedSci was – now, he’s a household name. Catch Chris in conversation with Dame Sally Davies, his predecessor in the role of the Government’s Chief Medical Officer, in this intimate event from 2016, where they reflect on the challenges of Whitehall, global health and the future of health policy.


Coping with stress and overwork in academia during COVID-19 

This has been an incredibly challenging year for the research community, from the intensity of COVID-19 to the enforced pausing of research into many other areas during national lockdowns. Handling the pressure, keeping a remote team going, and keeping safe on the frontline have all been topics tackled in our COVID-19 career support space this year. But the video that has most struck a chord is this honest five minute reflection from our Council member, Professor Philippa Saunders FMedSci, as she reflects on the pain of letting go of team-members and how she still finds enjoyment and builds new routines.


Catch up with all our videos from 2020 on the Academy of Medical Sciences YouTube channel. We need your help to keep bringing researchers' voices to the fore in our COVID-19 work and beyond. You can donate to support more work like this here.

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