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Our five favourite photos from 2018

Today, we share five of our top moments from 2018 in pictures.

2018 saw two groundbreaking media showcases for the Academy at the BBC and ITN studios as part of our work to increase the number of women experts in the media. (And yes, everybody asked for a selfie with Jon Snow.)

2018 was a year of anniversaries for the Academy, as we hit the big two-zero (see #AMS20) and celebrated 15 years of our acclaimed mentoring scheme, which recently matched its 900th pair. We love this picture from a mentoring masterclass, where two of our participants are taking their active listening skills very seriously. Seriously.

This year, the Academy's international policy meetings and grants have reached wider than ever before. These beautiful tropical skies were sent to us by Ruth Zadoks, Professor in Molecular Epidemiology at the University of Glasgow. Professor Zadoks was visiting a cichlid fish farm on Perfume River, Vietnam, through a GCRF networking grant to scope future collaborative work around aquaculture in public health. 

Dr Katherine Sleeman, NIHR Clinician Scientist in palliative medicine, brought the house down at our annual conference for clinical academics in training up in Edinburgh. 

How can you balance a career in research with a life outside of work? We found inspiring people finding new ways to answer this question through our MedSciLife project. We'll leave you with this photograph of Dr Cristina Lo Celso and her husband growing veggies on their north London allotment. Happy 2019 everyone.

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