#5 Funding research worldwide

To celebrate the Academy’s 20th birthday, we have put together a snapshot of 20 of our biggest impacts. To find out more about our 20th celebrations and our future plans, read this blog by our President Professor Sir Robert Lechler, and follow #AMS20 on social media.

The Academy would like to thank all our funders, partners and collaborators, without whom none of this work would be possible.


#5 Funding research worldwide

“The Fellowship has given me the opportunity to spend two years in a laboratory in Oxford with different expertise to my laboratory in Bangalore. Access to an outstanding research facility, collaboration network and high level of academic associations, has helped me advance in my scientific career by providing a solid foundation in studying the disease progression and pathogenesis in HIV."

“I'm honored to receive this fellowship, which will help further my research into HIV immunology, mechanisms of immune control and the factors contributing to slow disease progression in HIV.”

Dr Reena R. D'Souza, Newton International Fellow

The Academy provides funding for international researchers through a range of innovative schemes.

The Academy has used funding from the UK Government to increase the capacity for high-quality biomedical research in low and middle-income countries, awarding over £7 million of funding to 288 international researchers, and supporting research exchanges to the UK and international research partnerships. Through matched funding between the UK government and Newton Scheme partner countries across the globe, we are actively promoting research and innovation, at a governmental level, in partner countries to include South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, India and China.  Meanwhile, our Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Networking Grants scheme is facilitating researchers to forge new links and generate innovative transdisciplinary research ideas to address global challenges.

Our Daniel Turnberg scheme has been running for 10 years and has awarded 220 Travel Fellowships to enable collaborative travel between researchers in the Middle East and the UK. In 2016, the Academy brought alumni of the scheme together at a meeting in Cyprus, a wonderful and memorable opportunity for awardees to meet other researchers and forge new collaborations. Another Turnberg alumni meeting is scheduled for 2019.

To find out more about our work, visit our homepage. To support the work of the Academy, see our dedicated Support us webpage.


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Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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