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Our five favourite photos of 2019

2019 has been a year of firsts for the Academy. We always try to capture these moments and here we present our five favourite images from the past year.

  1. Our new AMS Professors

In October, the Academy announced the inaugural cohort of its new AMS Professorships scheme, aimed at attracting and retaining world leading talent from across the UK. You can read more about the awardees here and learn more about the scheme from its dedicated project page

  1. The Departure Lounge



The Departure Lounge has been a consistent highlight through the year. Since the main installation closed in Lewisham earlier this year, the Academy has been hard at work distributing flat-pack versions across the country to continue to promote a national conversation about the end of life, leading to a policy workshop early next year. You can visit an interactive map of flatpack owners on our dedicated website, and learn more about The Departure Lounge project here.


  1. International health lecture: Corruption in global health


This year the Academy, in partnership with The Lancet, hosted Professor Patricia J. Garcia who gave a fascinating lecture on the magnitude of corruption in global health and what is needed to address this problem. The full lecture was livestreamed and is available on the Academy’s Youtube channel. You can also find out more about The Academy of Medical Sciences and the Lancet International Health Lecture on our website.

  1. Awarding of a Royal Charter


The Academy was delighted to be awarded a royal charter this year, recognising the important work the Academy has achieved in its 21 years since its founding. Our President reflected upon the work on what we have accomplished and what the royal charter means for us going forward.

  1. Illustrating the importance of a work-life balance


It is hard to choose just one image to represent our #Medscilife campaign, and the stories we’ve heard about life and work from people in medical and health research. This year, we have also been exploring some popular topics in more detail, looking at the importance of taking a holiday and the benefits of .

The Academy has also been active working with other organisations, hosting members of the Proud Science Alliance before the Pride in London March.



These images only scratch the surface of all the work that the Academy has done this year. Another way to review the illustrated work of the Academy is to follow us on our Instagram page.

You can read about more of our work from 2019 on our news page. To find out more about supporting the work of the Academy, visit our dedicated support us page.


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