Council election results 2021

We are pleased to announce that the following Fellows were elected to Council in this year's election. Each will serve a three-year term in office. 

Professor Wiebke Arlt FMedSci
William Withering Chair of Medicine and Director, Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, University of Birmingham

Professor Sadaf Farooqi FRS FMedSci
Wellcome Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Metabolism and Medicine, University of Cambridge

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard FMedSci
Director, Oxford Vaccine Group and Professor of Paediatric Infection Immunity, University of Oxford

Professor Paula Williamson FMedSci
Professor of Medical Statistics, University of Liverpool

This year’s election saw eight candidates competing for four vacancies on Council. The election was administered electronically by our external provider Civica Election Services with voting open between 4 October and 8 November. 528 Fellows voted in the election - a turnout rate of 38.8%. The ballot was conducted using the single transferable voting system used to date for all Academy Council elections, with Civica Election Services acting as our independent scrutineer.

We thank the following retiring members of Council for their service to the Academy over the past three years:

Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak FRSE FMedSci
Professor David Lomas FMedSci
Professor Patrick Maxwell FMedSci

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