Wiebke Arlt now leads an independent research group of International Excellence, largely funded by the MRC. She undertook the first randomized clinical trial of DHEA replacement therapy in patients with adrenal insufficiency showing clinical benefit. With Walter Miller she described a new variant of congenital adrenal hyperplasia and from this has uncovered a novel pathway of steroidogenesis in man. Most recently she has defined a monogenic form of androgen excess secondary to defective DHEA sulphation and continues to lead International consortia on Disorders of Sexual Differentiation and Adrenal tumours. Here she is pioneering new biomarkers for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with adrenal tumours. Arlt has mentored and trained endocrine fellows from many countries and is a highly skilled educator and lecturer. She has already received significant recognition from her peer group through major International awards including the European Society for Endocrinology Medal Lecture, The UK Society for Endocrinology Medal Lecture and the prestigious Ernst Oppenheimer award from the US Endocrine Society.
Back to directory listingProfessor Wiebke Arlt FMedSci
Job Title
Director, MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences
Imperial College, London
Year elected
Specialitiesendocrinology, specifically steroid endocrinology including pre-receptor regulation of steroid action, steroid metabolome analysis
Section committee elected byMedical and veterinary specialties and paediatrics
Online Information
Personal Website
Lab Website
Institute Website
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