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Coronavirus updates for 41 Portland Place

Following careful consideration of government advice on the evolving coronavirus epidemic we are severely limiting activities at, and access to, the Academy headquarters building at this time.

Our venue team at 41 Portland Place are working with clients separately. If you have a booking in the coming months, please contact [email protected].

Staff are working remotely and will continue to provide support to our Fellows, grant awardees and programme participants. Please bear with us while we initiate new methods of working and support.

All Academy events and meetings are now postponed or cancelled for the foreseeable future. This includes our joint meeting with the Royal Society of Edinburgh in April, the Great North Academy Day also in April and the Clinical Academics in Training Annual Conference (CATAC) in May. We will also be postponing our New Fellows Admissions Day to later in the year.

Where possible we will move smaller events and meetings to take place on digital platforms. Organisers of these events will be in contact when we can give more information.

We will maintain support to our grant awardees and our programme of grant funding will continue to run, although timings may change. We will update our grants webpages with information as and when it is available. Likewise we will continue to provide support through our mentoring and other careers programmes such as SUSTAIN and FLIER. We will be contacting participants in these schemes directly with more information.

Our international and UK policy teams and our FORUM network will continue to function, though we will be postponing face-to-face meetings or holding meetings virtually where possible.

We will continue to work with our Fellows, grant awardees and contacts to provide expert advice to Government, stakeholders and the public as the situation with coronavirus progresses.

Our President Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci recently commented, “Uncertainty is inevitable in the coming months: it is amazing how much we have learnt already about a virus that emerged just a few months ago. Science thrives on debate and it is often the interaction of conflicting views and challenge that drives progress. However in an epidemic situation, like the one we are facing, people want certainty and firm reassurance. Trustworthy advice, from credible experts can quickly be politicised. Scientists bear a strong responsibility here and must work to ensure the public have access to the latest reliable evidence whilst at the same time maintaining awareness of its impact in the ongoing broader societal debate.”

Please follow @acmedsci or @AMS_Careers for updates on Academy events and programmes over the coming months.


Click here to view our President's response to the government’s press conference on coronavirus on Monday 16th March 2020

Click here for the latest NHS health information and advice on coronavirus

Click here for the latest information on the government response to coronavirus.

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