AMSlive - short talks with big impact

Today we publish five powerful and widely accessible 10 minute talks from our Fellows and early career researchers. 

AMSlive is a new project showcasing fantastic researchers through short, TED-style talks. Speakers include both Academy Fellows and also early career researchers who have benefitted from Academy schemes. Watch the talks below and on our YouTube channel:

How can we make technology work for us in healthcare? Professor Trisha Greenhalgh OBE FMedSci, Professor of Primary Health Care Services, University of Oxford

The future of organ transplants. Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci, Vice-Principal (Health), King’s College London and President of the Academy of Medical Sciences 

Changing how we think about war and health. Dr Mohammed Jawad, Public Health Policy and Evaluation Research Postgraduate, Imperial College London, Daniel Turnberg Travel Fellowship awardee

Sophie's child and my cancer research. Professor Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke FMedSci, Professor of Angiogenesis, Deputy Director of Barts Cancer Institute, QMUL

Improving eye development for children with albinism. Dr Helena Lee, Academic Clinical Lecturer in Ophthalmology, University of Southampton, Starter Grant holder and SUSTAIN participant

These five talks were recorded at the 2018 Helix Group Reception before a live audience of Academy friends and supporters. The evening was hosted by Clive Cookson, Science Editor at the Financial Times. To learn more about the Helix Group, visit this page.  

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