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North East regional celebration, Newcastle

14.00, Thursday 11 January 2018

Baddiley-Clark Building Seminar Room Newcastle upon Tyne

Faculty of Medical Sciences Newcastle University

Fellows, grant awardees, colleagues, friends and guests are invited to attend the Academy's North East Region Celebration of Success. The event will celebrate both Fellows and grant awardees from across the North East, as exceptional individuals from a range of disciplines give insights into their life and research. In particular, we are delighted to welcome newly elected Fellows to reflect on their research and careers, and researchers supported by the Academy's Springboard scheme in their first independent posts.

The event will take place in Newcastle upon Tyne on Thursday 11 January 2018. With a view to promoting wider engagement and awareness of the Academy's work,  Fellows attending this event are encouraged to bring along an early career colleague or post-doctoral researcher from their home institution as their guest. Following the talks and presentations there will be a drinks reception; those unable to attend the talks during the afternoon are still most welcome to join us for drinks. 

The Celebration and drinks reception are free to attend. Booking is available using this page. Do please book as early as possible so that we can anticipate catering numbers and any dietary requirements.


14:00    Welcome: Professor Sir Doug Turnbull FMedSci

14:30    Lecture: 'Controlling cortisol in degenerative disease' Professor Brian Walker FRSE FMedSci

15:00   Talks from Springboard grant holders:'Characterising the miR-424/503 network in breast cancer': Dr David Llobet-Navas; An evaluation of food choice architecture on food and drink consumption in 11-16 year olds in Newcastle: a feasibility study' Dr Suzanne Spence

16:00    MedSciLife talks from new Fellows at Newcastle University: 'Walking the wheel the wrong way: A clinical academic's story' Professor David Burn FMedSci, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Professor of Movement Disorders Neurology; 'From a GCSE and A-levels disaster to Dean of Research!' Professor Derek Mann FMedSci, Chair of Hepatology

17:00    Drinks reception

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