Annual Fellows Meeting and Jean Shanks Lecture 2022

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Fellows are warmly invited to attend the Academy's Annual Fellows Meeting and Jean Shanks Lecture on Tuesday 6 December.  Events will once again be held online to make them easily accessible to Fellows across the entire UK. 

The afternoon will include the Academy's AGM and the President's mid-term review, as well as an update on the introduction of the Academy's new 10-year strategy launched earlier this year and a session highlighting key future projects.   

The programme for the afternoon will conclude with the 2022 Jean Shanks Lecture which will be presented at 17:00 by Professor Peter Jones FMedSci, whose lecture title will be : `Mental health and disorder through a pandemic lens - populations, people, prevention'.

This event will take the form of two separate sessions during the afternoon. The final programme will be uploaded to this page in due course. Details of the agenda items for this year's AGM will be circulated separately.

Fellows are welcome to join for all or part of this event. Those registering will receive connection details for both sessions.  

AGM, President's Review, Strategy update and Future directions

Jean Shanks Lecture 2022:
'Mental health and disorder through a pandemic lens - populations, people, prevention'  
Professor Peter Jones FMedSci, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge 

Ahead of the lecture, the Academy’s Media and News Office organised a background press briefing on the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health with the following Fellows and researchers joining the lecture’s keynote speaker, Professor Peter Jones FMedSci, to make up the panel:


For any queries about these events, please contact Tia Carzim ([email protected]) 

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