This grant provides up to £20,000 each to medical and veterinary schools across the UK with an aim to inform and excite students about the opportunities and potential of a career in research.

Key dates

Applications for Round 5 opened on 23 July 2019, 11:00 GMT.  This application window closed on the 5 September 2019. 


Grants of up to £20,000 per each medical and veterinary school across the UK are awarded to inform and excite medical, dental and veterinary students about the opportunities and potential of a career in research. Individual schools, if awarded, take ownership of the funds and the responsbility of designing and implementing locally designed INSPIRE activities over a period of two years.

Information about INSPIRE funded activities in previous rounds can be found below, or view INSPIRE case studies of individual schools.

The Academy offers grants of up to £20,000 to succesful applicants, who each then have the responsibility and ownership for deploying the funds locally for INSPIRE focused activities over a two year period. Such activities should focus on, but are not limited to:

  • Workshops, lectures, events and discussions based around research and research careers.
  • Opportunities to network and develop mentoring relationships.
  • Introductions to practical research through workshops teaching topics such as methodology and laboratory techniques.
  • Stipends for competitively awarded, short-term vacation studentships.
  • Creation of teaching materials.
  • Films, websites and multimedia projects.
  • Opportunities to work in different disciplines to encourage collaborative working.
  • Training opportunities such as science writing and presentation skills.

For Universities that have both a medical and dental school, INSPIRE related activities should be made accessible to both types of student.

In carrying out the INSPIRE Project, selected Schools nominate a faculty member to be the INSPIRE lead. They are the lead contact for the Academy and for anyone interested in INSPIRE activities delivered in their School. The Academic leads work closely with student representatives to plan activities, apply for funding and lead delivery, in most cases, with administrative support.

The role of the Academy of Medical Sciences

In carrying out the scheme, the Academy will:

  • Administer and manage the grant scheme.
  • Link INSPIRE activities to other national initiatives.
  • Facilitate contact between INSPIRE leads.
  • Host a sharing conference which was held on 24 June 2019 at the Academy's office, London.


The scheme is generously supported by the Wellcome Trust.

Key contacts

Meet the President - Edinburgh

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