Goal 3: Review and diversify our governance process across the organisation

We will review and diversify our governance process across the organisation by:

  • Creating an EDI Advisory Committee, consisting of Fellows and external advisors, appropriately resourced and empowered to support a review of our governance processes.
  • Embedding and enhancing the role of Diversity Champions within our Council.
  • Empowering our staff-led EDI Forum and Wellbeing and Mental Health Forum to feed into the staff needs for a revised and diverse governance structure.

Our overall success measure for this EDI strategy is the impact we have in creating a more open and progressive UK research sector that is improving the health of everyone, everywhere.

Under this EDI strategy, our success measures of reviewing and diversifying our governance process by 2026 are:

• An established EDI Advisory Committee that effectively advises, guides, and informs our governance.
• Empowered Diversity Champions on Council who bridge our strategic and operational work by connecting the EDI Advisory Committee and EDI Forum to our Council.
• An empowered EDI Forum and Wellbeing and Mental Health Forum that feed into internal activities and formal governance structures.

Go back to the full Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy.

Read our next goal: Grow the diversity of our staff.

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