The Home Office Triennial Review of the Animals in Science Committee

The Academy has responded to a Home Office Triennial Review of the Animal in Science Committee.


On 26 August 2014, the Academy of Medical Sciences responded to the Home Office Triennial Review of the Animals in Science Committee (ASC). The consultation sought views on the continuing need for this Committee, both in its form and function, and on the appropriateness of the body’s delivery mechanism and governance arrangements.

The ASC was established on 01 January 2013 by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 as amended (ASPA) to comply with Directive EU 2010/63/EU, thereby superseding the Animal Procedures Committee. The ASC is a statutory non-executive Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) of the Home Office and is responsible for providing impartial, balanced and objective advice to the Secretary of State, to animal welfare bodies and within the European Union on issues relating to ASPA.

In its response, the Academy supported the existence of the ASC as a body to: provide independent, evidence-based, outcome-driven advice to Government on the use of animals in scientific procedures; advise animal welfare bodies on sharing best practice within the UK; and co-ordinate best practice within the European Union. We also supported the existence of the ASC in its current format as an NDPB, including the appointment of members of the ASC in a personal capacity in light of their expertise in a relevant field.

The Academy’s response is available to download on the right-hand side of this page.


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