COVID-19 preclinical drug discovery and development

In winter 2021, the Academy is calling for new project submissions to our COVID-19 preclinical drug development database. We are mapping ongoing and emerging COVID-19 preclinical drug development research to help researchers and funders identify opportunities for collaboration, avoid duplication of effort and prioritise the most promising research.

Status: Ongoing

Explore our live COVID-19 preclinical drug development database

We are calling for new submissions to our live database of ongoing and emerging COVID-19 preclinical drug development research activities. The database is a free, open access resource where researchers can submit their projects, browse other projects, and form new connections.

In addition, this database supports the expansion of the UK Government-funded AGILE clinical trial platform. Along with initiatives such as LifeArc’s COVID-19 Advise & Connect service, it will help novel COVID-19 treatments progress along the development pipeline over the coming years. Launched in the summer of 2020, our database provides a tool to help researchers and funders identify opportunities for collaboration, avoid duplication of effort and prioritise the most promising research.

"The Academy's database maps the landscape of preclinical COVID-19 research in the UK. By submitting their projects to the database, preclinical researchers from academia and industry alike are doing their part to help identify and prioritise important preclinical COVID-19 research, to help build treatments and research tools for a COVID-19-resilient future." -- Professor Michael Malim FRS FMedSci, Expert Group Chair and Professor of Infectious Diseases and Head of School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences, King's College London

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