Careers for biomedical scientists and clinicians in industry

In 2007, a small working group was convened to look more closely at perceptions towards careers in industry and to identify opportunities for promoting greater mobility.

Status: Completed

The UK's world-class position in medical science is underpinned by a first rate workforce.

It is vital that the UK’s biomedical training and career structures are attractive to the next generation of young researchers. A key ingredient for success is collaboration between academia and industry; it is this interface that fuels the process by which new scientific ideas are brought into clinical application. The mobility of researchers is an important part of this interface - exchanging skills, forging opportunities and promoting mutual awareness.

The Academy of Medical Sciences has long promoted relations between academia and industry through the work of its FORUM. A previous Academy report, ‘The Freedom to Succeed’, identified considerable scope for improving mobility between the two sectors and promoting the place of industry as an attractive career destination.

To explore this further, in 2007 a small working group was convened to look more closely at perceptions towards careers in industry and to identify opportunities for promoting greater mobility. Evidence was sought from a range of academics, learned societies, public sector organisations, commercial companies and young scientists and researchers.

The report produced by this working group presents findings in the form of a discussion paper, intended to open up debate and stimulate further input.

We welcome comments on the issues raised in this paper, which can be e-mailed to [email protected].

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