FORUM members

The Academy's FORUM links academia, industry and the NHS.

We are grateful to our current supporters and are keen to encourage other organisations to take part. If you would like information on becoming a member please contact Dr Anna Hands.

FORUM supporters include:

AD Cave Solutions Limited
Alzheimer's Research UK
Alzheimer's Society
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Astex Pharmaceuticals
Birmingham Health Partners
Birmingham Medical School
Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Limited
British Heart Foundation
British Pharmacological Society
British Society of Immunology
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
King's Health Partners
Life Science Hub Wales
Liverpool Health Partners
Medical Research Council
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
Merck Sharp & Dohme
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Newcastle University
Patient Information Forum
Queen's University Belfast
University College London
University of Dundee
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Oxford
University of Southampton
Versus Arthritis
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Warwick Medical School

Key contacts

Meet the President - Edinburgh

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Mentoring Masterclass - September 2024

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Meet the President - September 2024 (Online)

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