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Academy elects new Vice-President

We are delighted to announce that the Academy Council has elected Professor Paul Stewart FMedSci as the new Vice-President (clinical) of the Academy.


Professor Paul Stewart is Dean of Medicine and Faculty Dean of Medicine and Health at the University of Leeds. 

Paul will begin his 4-year term of office at Admissions Day on Wednesday 28 June 2017, when the current Vice-President, Professor Chris Day FMedSci, steps down from the role. We hope that Fellows will join us at the new Fellows' celebration in late June as an opportunity to thank Chris for his dedicated service to the Academy and also to welcome Paul to his new role as Clinical Vice-President. We look forward to working with Paul to advance the Academy's work.

 `I am delighted that Paul Stewart has been selected as our new Vice-President Clinical. Paul is a distinguished clinical academic, has extensive experience in supporting clinical academic careers , and has worked at the interface between academe and the NHS throughout his career. He will have much to contribute as we seek to mitigate the risks surrounding Brexit and as we navigate the new funding arrangements in light of the emerging life sciences component of the industrial strategy.'                                                                            Professor Sir Robert Lechler, Academy President


`It is truly a pleasure and privilege to serve the Academy through this role. We are living in uncertain times with immense pressures across the NHS-social care divide and the implementation of new structures across UK higher education and research landscapes. However, change brings significant opportunities afforded by the emerging industrial and life health sciences strategies that can further enhance our scientific excellence, drive  innovation, training and entrepreneurship with the ultimate aim of improving patient and population health and economic growth. I am relishing the opportunity to work alongside our president Robert lechler, the Academy's council, its office and Fellows to deliver the Academy's strategic aim. '                                                                                                Professor Paul Stewart 

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