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Using research and innovation to drive NHS productivity

The Academy’s report of the 2016 FORUM Annual Lecture outlines an inspiring keynote lecture delivered by Dame Julie Moore on ‘Breaking down the barriers between research and practice to improve productivity in the NHS’, drawing on her experience as Chief Executive of University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) NHS Foundation Trust. This was followed by a panel discussion to explore 'What can research do to improve productivity in the NHS?'

The UK has an outstanding record in biomedical research, and key to sustaining this performance is close partnership working between academia, industry, NHS and the wider healthcare sector. The 2016 Annual Lecture, held on 6 April, brought together representatives from across the healthcare sector including academia, clinicians, industry, regulators, charity, learned societies and policy makers, to discuss how research and innovation can improve productivity in the NHS. The lecture and panel discussion can be viewed online and the report summarising the key themes emerging from the lecture and discussion can be downloaded from the righthand side of this page.

The lecture explored the role of academia in helping to address the sustainability challenge faced in the NHS, and the discussions identified several key areas to address this challenge including:

  • Strong, stable leadership which is critical for the delivery of high quality care.
  • Research and innovation, including new technologies and use of data, which can make considerable improvements to patient care and wider productivity in the NHS.
  • Better integration across divisions of healthcare is needed to facilitate a more holistic and patient-centred approach to healthcare.
  • Underpinning these discussions was recognition of the need for the healthcare system to evolve in order to embrace the opportunities presented by embedding research and innovation in the NHS, and UHB has demonstrated how these opportunities can make a significant impact on healthcare delivery.

The Academy’s FORUM was created in 2003 to bring together academia, industry, the NHS and the wider healthcare sector. The FORUM takes forward national discussions on scientific opportunities, technology trends, and healthcare choices through a programme of lectures, symposia and workshops. Further information and details of future events can be found on the FORUM homepage.

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