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Tips and career support at our Bristol event

On Tuesday 16 May, we visited Bristol for “New Frontiers in the research landscape”, a skills day for early career researchers.

 The talks and workshops covered a wide range of topics from a fantastic selection of speakers, spanning mentoring, leadership, funding applications, presentation techniques and more.

 On mentoring -' Mentorship is immensely valuable for a successful scientific career.' Professor John Iredale FMedSci

On careers in research - 'Why be an academic? It's a privilege to have flexibility about how you get to use your mind each day.' Professor Maria Fitzgerald FRS FMedSci

Our top tips of the day were:

  • When writing a grant application, don’t forget to include a catchy abstract and pilot data where possible.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of the people around you, including mentors and collaborators.
  • Be bold, and carve a niche for yourself in your field! 

The day ended with a keynote lecture from Professor Shoumo Bhattacharya FMedSci, “The highways and byways of science”. He also talked about the importance of challenging yourself, learning new skills, and how his family had supported him throughout his journey. 

One of the highlights of the day was a focus on the many different forms a career in research can take. Our speakers offered insightful, and often frank, examples from their own careers, and how unexpected turns in their career paths had led them to the present day. This was particularly relevant to the Academy, given our recent work on SUSTAIN and #medscilife

We were lucky to be joined at this event by an illustrator from Scriberia, who provided an illustrated summary of the day – you can see some of their notes on this page, and also on our Facebook page

“This was the first AMS event I have attended and I'll definitely look out for others.” – an attendee at our Bristol event 


If you’d like to participate in one of our careers workshops, our next two events are “Shaping your career in research” in Glasgow, and a Mentoring Masterclass in London. To book, and to learn more about our upcoming events, visit the Events section on our website.

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